Friends of Youth Association: Learning about the Jewish language



Autumn holidays at the Association of Friends of Youth Association Maribor, where children were able to participate in creative workshops at the Youth Creativity Center, join excursions and learn about cultural sights, or sports-colored events. Thus, during this holiday, children had the opportunity to learn not only another culture but also a different language and writing.

»We strive to make the program diverse and to find each child something particularly interesting for themselves,« said Tadeja Dobaj, activities coordinator at the Friends of Maribor Youth Association, who is in charge of field activities and continues to attach great importance to getting to know the children attractions and sights and history of the place where they live. »From this point of view, a visit to the synagogue is also logical,« she said, noting that not only children but also adults are not familiar with this space. The children visited the synagogue that is more than 600 years old, and beside the exhibition, they also learned about the Jewish language during the workshop that was prepared for them.

ZPM is the abbreviation for Zveza prijateljev mladine and it means Friends of Youth Association (FYA). It is a non-governmental, voluntary, humanitarian and non-profitable organisation. Its basic goal is to raise quality of children, youth and family life, to protect their respective interests and needs as well as their rights. The Association was founded in 1953 and during this time it has become an indispensable part of the contemporary civil society. It deals with social issues, which concern children, youth and families. The basic FYA activities are founded on voluntary efforts and friendly interpersonal relations.


Jesenske počitnice pri Zvezi prijateljev mladine Maribor, kjer so se otroci in mladostniki lahko udeležili ustvarjalnih delavnic na Domu ustvarjalnosti mladih, se pridružili izletom in spoznavanju kulturnih znamenitosti, ali športno obarvanih dogodkov, so marsikateremu otroku prava popestritev in prijetno druženje izven šolskih okvirjev. Tako so te počitnice otroci imeli možnost spoznati ne samo drugo kulturo, ampak tudi drug jezik in pisavo.

»Trudimo se, da je program raznolik in da vsak otrok najde kaj posebej zanimivega zase,« meni Tadeja Dobaj, koordinatorica dejavnosti pri Zvezi prijateljev mladine Maribor, ki je zadolžena za dejavnosti na terenu in nadaljuje, da dajo velik pomen temu, da otroci spoznavajo zanimivosti in znamenitosti ter zgodovino kraja, v katerem živijo. »S tega vidika je tudi obisk sinagoge logičen«, meni in pri tem izrazi opažanje, da ne samo otroci ampak tudi odrasli, ta prostor premalo poznajo. Tako so otroci s »skokom v zgodovino« obiskali več kot 600 let staro sinagogo, kjer so si ogledali razstavo in izvedeli zanimivosti o judovskih jezikih, zanje pa je bila pripravljena delavnica, kjer so se seznanili s hebrejsko abecedo, pri čemer je marsikomu povzročala preglavice pisava iz desne proti levi smeri.

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